
An enumeration, commonly known as an enum, is declared using the keyword enum. Compared to other languges, enums in Rust offer greater flexibility and power. For instance, they support generics (as seen with the Option enum) and can encapsulate values within their variants! 1

Using an enum for Errors

For our grep program, we’ll create an enum to represent possible errors during Interval operations. For example, when a user creates an Interval, the starting value must be less than or equal to the ending value. Additionally, if a user wants to merge two intervals, they must overlap. If these conditions aren't met, we’ll return an error (Err) using one of our enum variants.

Defining an enum

Below is the IntervalError enum, which lists the errors that we may need to return:

enum IntervalError {

Updating our Interval

First, we'll change the return type for the function new and the method merge to a Result with the Ok variant being an Interval and the Err variant the appropriate IntervalError:

fn new(start: usize, end: usize) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
    if start <= end {
        Ok(Self { start, end })
    } else {
fn merge(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
    if self.overlaps(other) {
        Ok(Self {
            start: self.start,
            end: other.end,
    } else {

Observe how an Interval is created in new as opposed to merge. Since the parameter names in new precisely match the fields in the Interval struct definition, you can omit the field specifiers. This technique is referred to as field init shorthand syntax. 2

Updating Grep

With the Interval changes implemented, we need to update the create_intervals and merge_intervals functions to accommodate the Result return type.

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Interval>, IntervalError> {
        .map(|line| {
            let start = line.saturating_sub(before_context);
            let end = line.saturating_add(after_context);
            Interval::new(start, end)

In create_intervals, the only change was the return type, which changed from Vec<Interval> to Result<Vec<Interval>, IntervalError>. You might wonder why this works. The concise answer is that the Result type implements the FromIterator trait.

Imagine an intermediary collection of Result values created from calls to Interval::new(start, end). The FromIterator trait implementation allows an iterator over Result values to be collected into a Result containing a collection of the underlying values or an Err. 3 In other words, the value contained in the Result returned by Interval::new(start, end) is stored in the Vec<Interval> collection which is then wrapped in a Result.

We'll be exploring traits in the next section.

fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval>) -> Vec<Interval> {
    // merge overlapping intervals
        .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).or(Err((p, c))))

In merge_intervals, the only change required is to the closure used in coalesce. We attempt to merge two intervals and invoke the or method of Result. If the merge is successful, returning Ok, the value is passed back to coalesce. Otherwise, the Err((p, c)) value provided to or is returned.

Result methods like map_err, or, and or_else are often used in error handling because they allow benign errors to be managed while letting successful results pass through. Since the merge method only merges overlapping intervals, we replace the Err variant it returns with the tuple (p, c) needed by coalesce.

Eager vs Lazy Evaluation

Depending on the use case, different Result methods may be more efficient. It's important to read the documentation to determine the best choice. For example, arguments passed to or are eagerly evaluated. If you're passing the result of a function call, it's better to use or_else, which is lazily evaluated.

The final change required is in main. Since create_intervals now returns a Result, we use a match expression to check if the operation was successful. In the case of an Err, since it’s unrecoverable, we print an error message and exit.

// create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
let intervals =
    match create_intervals(match_lines, before_context, after_context) {
        Ok(intervals) => intervals,
        Err(_) => {
            eprintln!("An error occurred while creating intervals");

Updating Grep

With our changes in place, our Interval now supports error handling via Result and our grep program properly handles any errors.

extern crate regex; // this is needed for the playground
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::process::exit;

fn find_matching_lines(lines: &[String], regex: Regex) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(i, line)| match regex.is_match(line) {
            true => Some(i),
            false => None,
        .collect() // turns anything iterable into a collection

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Interval>, IntervalError> {
        .map(|line| {
            let start = line.saturating_sub(before_context);
            let end = line.saturating_add(after_context);
            Interval::new(start, end)

fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval>) -> Vec<Interval> {
    // merge overlapping intervals
        .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).or(Err((p, c))))

fn print_results(intervals: Vec<Interval>, lines: Vec<String>) {
    for interval in intervals {
        for (line_no, line) in lines
            .take(interval.end + 1)
            println!("{}: {}", line_no + 1, line)

fn read_file(file: impl Read) -> Vec<String> {

fn main() {
    let poem = "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
                And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
                He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
                And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.

                The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow -
                Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
                For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,
                And he sometimes gets so little that there’s none of him at all.";

    let mock_file = std::io::Cursor::new(poem);

    // command line arguments
    let pattern = "(all)|(little)";
    let before_context = 1;
    let after_context = 1;

    // attempt to open the file
    let lines = read_file(mock_file);
    //let lines = match File::open(filename) {
    //    // convert the poem into lines
    //    Ok(file) => read_file(file),
    //    Err(e) => {
    //        eprintln!("Error opening {filename}: {e}");
    //        exit(1);
    //    }

    // compile the regular expression
    let regex = match Regex::new(pattern) {
        Ok(re) => re, // bind re to regex
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("{e}"); // write to standard error

    // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
    let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, regex);

    // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
    let intervals =
        match create_intervals(match_lines, before_context, after_context) {
            Ok(intervals) => intervals,
            Err(_) => {
                eprintln!("An error occurred while creating intervals");

    // merge overlapping intervals
    let intervals = merge_intervals(intervals);

    // print the lines
    print_results(intervals, lines);

enum IntervalError {

struct Interval {
    start: usize,
    end: usize,

impl Interval {
    fn new(start: usize, end: usize) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
        if start <= end {
            Ok(Self { start, end })
        } else {

    fn overlaps(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
        self.end >= other.start

    fn merge(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
        if self.overlaps(other) {
            Ok(Self {
                start: self.start,
                end: other.end,
        } else {


The decision to use the Result type for error handling in Rust provides a robust and flexible way of managing errors such as:

  1. Explicit Error Handling: Using Result makes error handling explicit. Functions that can fail return a Result, which forces the caller to handle the potential error, making the code more reliable and less prone to unexpected failures.
  2. Recoverable Errors: The Result type allows for recoverable errors. By returning a Result, the function gives the caller the option to handle the error in a way that makes sense for their specific context, rather than immediately terminating the program.
  3. Type Safety: Rust’s type system ensures that errors are handled correctly. The Result type is part of this system, helping to prevent common errors like null pointer dereferencing and making the code safer and more predictable.
  4. Composability: The Result type implements traits like FromIterator, which allows for powerful and flexible error handling patterns. This makes it easier to work with collections of results and to propagate errors through multiple layers of function calls.

Overall, the use of Result aligns with Rust’s goals of safety, concurrency, and performance, providing a clear and structured way to handle errors.


  • Replace Result::or with Result::map_err in merge_intervals.

    fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval>) -> Vec<Interval> {
        // merge overlapping intervals
            .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).map_err(|_| (p, c)))
extern crate regex; // this is needed for the playground
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::process::exit;

fn find_matching_lines(lines: &[String], regex: Regex) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(i, line)| match regex.is_match(line) {
            true => Some(i),
            false => None,
        .collect() // turns anything iterable into a collection

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Interval>, IntervalError> {
        .map(|line| {
            let start = line.saturating_sub(before_context);
            let end = line.saturating_add(after_context);
            Interval::new(start, end)

fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval>) -> Vec<Interval> {
    // merge overlapping intervals
        .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).or(Err((p, c))))

fn print_results(intervals: Vec<Interval>, lines: Vec<String>) {
    for interval in intervals {
        for (line_no, line) in lines
            .take(interval.end + 1)
            println!("{}: {}", line_no + 1, line)

fn read_file(file: impl Read) -> Vec<String> {

fn main() {
    let poem = "I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
                And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.
                He is very, very like me from the heels up to the head;
                And I see him jump before me, when I jump into my bed.

                The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow -
                Not at all like proper children, which is always very slow;
                For he sometimes shoots up taller like an india-rubber ball,
                And he sometimes gets so little that there’s none of him at all.";

    let mock_file = std::io::Cursor::new(poem);

    // command line arguments
    let pattern = "(all)|(little)";
    let before_context = 1;
    let after_context = 1;

    // attempt to open the file
    let lines = read_file(mock_file);
    //let lines = match File::open(filename) {
    //    // convert the poem into lines
    //    Ok(file) => read_file(file),
    //    Err(e) => {
    //        eprintln!("Error opening {filename}: {e}");
    //        exit(1);
    //    }

    // compile the regular expression
    let regex = match Regex::new(pattern) {
        Ok(re) => re, // bind re to regex
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("{e}"); // write to standard error

    // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
    let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, regex);

    // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
    let intervals =
        match create_intervals(match_lines, before_context, after_context) {
            Ok(intervals) => intervals,
            Err(_) => {
                eprintln!("An error occurred while creating intervals");

    // merge overlapping intervals
    let intervals = merge_intervals(intervals);

    // print the lines
    print_results(intervals, lines);

enum IntervalError {

struct Interval {
    start: usize,
    end: usize,

impl Interval {
    fn new(start: usize, end: usize) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
        if start <= end {
            Ok(Self { start, end })
        } else {

    fn overlaps(&self, other: &Interval) -> bool {
        self.end >= other.start

    fn merge(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
        if self.overlaps(other) {
            Ok(Self {
                start: self.start,
                end: other.end,
        } else {


With our Interval complete, let’s make it a module!


Refer to the documentation on enum values.


Refer to the documentation on field init shorthand syntax.


Refer to the documentation on Collecting into a Result for detailed explanation.