File I/O

Our grep program wouldn't be complete without the ability to search text files. Given the potential for I/O errors, adding this capability now is convenient as we explore error handling and the Result type. This also introduces us to additional packages in Rust's standard library.

Up to this point, we've been able to use string literals in our grep program because dynamic memory allocation wasn't needed. However, now that we will be reading from a file, dynamic memory allocation becomes necessary. The string slice is no longer sufficient, so we need to utilize the String 1 type in Rust.

Storing Data on the Heap

Should you find yourself needing to allocate memory directly on the heap, the Box type is commonly used. You can find numerous examples on its usage in the documentation on the Box type.

Let's start by creating a function that reads a file and returns a vector of strings (Vec<String>) where each string represents a line. Here is the function signature:2 3

fn read_file(file: File) -> Vec<String> {
    todo!(); // see the footnote [^3]

This is the code that we'll add to the read_file function:


The read_file function accepts a file handle and utilizes BufReader to efficiently read the file line by line, storing each line in a vector of strings (Vec<String>), which it then returns to the caller.

Many less efficient methods for reading a file and storing the results in a collection typically involve iterating over each line, converting it to a string, and then pushing the string into a vector. This approach requires intermediate memory allocations, which can become costly for large files. Additionally, each line read from the file potentially involves a system call. The BufReader uses an internal buffer to read large chunks of data from the file, minimizing both memory allocations and system calls.

The modifications to the main function:

fn main() {
    // command line arguments
    let pattern = "all";
    let before_context = 1;
    let after_context = 1;
    let filename = "poem.txt";

    // attempt to open the file
    let lines = match File::open(filename) {
        // convert the poem into lines
        Ok(file) => read_file(file),
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error opening {filename}: {e}");

    // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
    let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, pattern);

    // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
    let mut intervals =
        create_intervals(match_lines, before_context, after_context);

    // merge overlapping intervals
    merge_intervals(&mut intervals);

    // print the lines
    print_results(intervals, lines);

Unpacking the Code

There's a lot going on here, so let's break it down step by step.


fn read_file(file: File) -> Vec<String> {
  1. BufReader: BufReader::new(file) creates a buffered reader from the provided File. This helps in efficiently reading the file line by line.

  2. lines(): The lines() method on BufReader returns an iterator over the lines in the file. Because reading from a file can file, each line is wrapped in a Result, which can be either Ok (containing the line) or Err (containing an error).

  3. map_while(Result::ok): The map_while method is used to transform the iterator. It applies the Result::ok function to each item, which converts Ok(line) to Some(line) and Err(_) to None. The iteration stops when the first None is encountered. Here are the relevant parts from the source code, cleaned up for readability:

    pub enum Result<T, E> {
    impl<T, E> Result<T, E> {
        pub fn ok(self) -> Option<T> {
            match self {
                Ok(x) => Some(x),
                Err(_) => None,

    This conversion is necessary because the map method requires the closure to return an Option. Converting Err to None drops the error value and causes map_while to stop yielding.

  4. collect(): The collect() method gathers all the Some(line) values into a Vec<String> that gets returned to the caller.


In the main function, we attempt to open a file, which can fail for various reasons. If the Result is Ok, we call read_file with the file value. Since we don't need the file handle afterward, borrowing isn't necessary. If an error occurs while opening the file, we use the eprintln! macro to print the error to standard error and then exit.

Putting it All Together

Here are the changes with the unrelated parts of the program hidden:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::process::exit;

fn find_matching_lines(lines: &[String], pattern: &str) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(i, line)| match line.contains(pattern) {
            true => Some(i),
            false => None,
        .collect() // turns anything iterable into a collection

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Vec<(usize, usize)> {
        .map(|line| {

fn merge_intervals(intervals: &mut Vec<(usize, usize)>) {
    // merge overlapping intervals
    intervals.dedup_by(|next, prev| {
        if prev.1 < next.0 {
        } else {
            prev.1 = next.1;

fn print_results(intervals: Vec<(usize, usize)>, lines: Vec<String>) {
    for (start, end) in intervals {
        for (line_no, line) in
            lines.iter().enumerate().take(end + 1).skip(start)
            println!("{}: {}", line_no + 1, line)

fn read_file(file: File) -> Vec<String> {

fn main() {
    // command line arguments
    let pattern = "all";
    let before_context = 1;
    let after_context = 1;
    let filename = "poem.txt";

    // attempt to open the file
    let lines = match File::open(filename) {
        // convert the poem into lines
        Ok(file) => read_file(file),
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("Error opening {filename}: {e}");

    // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
    let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, pattern);

    // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
    let mut intervals =
        create_intervals(match_lines, before_context, after_context);

    // merge overlapping intervals
    merge_intervals(&mut intervals);

    // print the lines
    print_results(intervals, lines);

Don't forget, you can reveal the hidden parts by clicking Show hidden lines.


  • Rust requires acknowledging and handling errors before code compilation, ensuring robustness.
  • Errors are categorized into recoverable (e.g., file not found) and unrecoverable (e.g., out-of-bounds access).
  • Rust uses Result<T, E> for recoverable errors and panic! for unrecoverable errors, unlike other languages that use exceptions.


To continue using the Rust Playground, opening an actual file isn't going to work. Let's see how we can leverage an in-memory buffer to represent an open file.


Strings are implemented as Vec<u8> in Rust. Reference the API for details.


Unfortunately, the Rust Playground doesn't support opening files, so you'll need to run this part of the code on your local machine.


Rust offers several useful macros that are handy for developing and prototyping your program. todo!() is one of them, and another is unimplemented!().


Unlike many object-oriented programming languages that use this, Rust uses self.