Welcome to Fast Track to Rust
This course is designed to introduce you to the Rust programming language by building an actual program,. We'll be developing a grep-like program, called rustle1 with a minimal subset of the features found in the GNU 2 grep 3 utility. This means we'll start with what we know and iterate upon the design as we learn more about the language.
The official URL for this online course is: https://freddiehaddad.github.io/fast-track-to-rust
The source code can be found at: https://github.com/freddiehaddad/fast-track-to-rust
The goal is to teach you Rust, so it's assumed you don't know anything about the language. However, it's also assumed that you have experience programming in other languages like C++, and are familiar with multithreading, data structures, and program memory organization (i.e., heap, stack, etc.).
This course moves relatively quickly. Most topics are covered enough to provide a fundamental understanding. As you progress, references to the official Rust documentation are provided for further exploration.
Enough chit chat, let's get started!
The name Rustle was chosen because it's a play on the word "rust" and represents the sound of leaves rustling as the program searches through data.
GNU is an collection of free software commonly used as an operating system. The family of operating systems, known as Linux, are built from them.
Grep searches one or more input files for lines containing a match to a specified pattern. By default, grep outputs the matching lines.