Non-scoped Threads

The simplest way to enable multithreading support in our Grep program is to spawn a thread for each specified file, perform the pattern matching steps we've developed, and print the results using a fork/join pattern. If you have a C++ background, you might start by exploring the functions in the thread module, discovering the spawn function, and diving right in.

However, this approach is flawed! While it might be a valuable learning experience, it will likely be time-consuming, frustrating, and confusing. Let's examine some of the pitfalls of this approach and then explore a more effective solution.

The spawn Function

Here's the signature for the spawn function:

pub fn spawn<F, T>(f: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
    F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static,
    T: Send + 'static,

The spawn function takes a closure (f) as an argument, spawns a new thread to run the closure, and returns a JoinHandle. As the name suggests, the JoinHandle provides a join method to wait for the spawned thread to finish. So far, so good. However, the 'static1 constraint on F and the return value T is where, as the Bard would say, lies the rub.

The 'static constraint requires that the closure and its return value must live for the entire duration of the program's execution. This is necessary because threads can outlive the context in which they were created.

If a thread, and by extension its return value, can outlive its caller, we need to ensure they remain valid afterward. Since we can't predict when the thread will finish, they must be valid until the end of the program. Hence, the 'static lifetime.

Don't worry if this concept is still unclear; it's one of the most challenging aspects of Rust, and many developers find it difficult at first.

Let's examine a simple program to better understand these concepts. Review the following code snippet and then run the program.

fn main() {
    use std::thread;

    let error = 0373; // Compiler error E0373

    let handler = thread::spawn(|| {


This simple program seems perfectly valid. So why does the Rust compiler complain about code that would run without issues in most other languages? Even though it's not the case in this example, in a more general sense, the spawned thread created in main could potentially outlive the thread from which it was created. Because the closure borrows the error value, the parent thread could go out of scope, causing the error value to be dropped rendering the reference invalid. Because the compiler can't know whether or not that's going to happen, we see the error:

error[E0373]: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows error, which is owned by the current function

The compiler does offer a solution that may work under some circumstances:

help: to force the closure to take ownership of error (and any other referenced variables), use the move 2 keyword

Let's see what happens if we do that:

fn main() {
    use std::thread;

    let error = 0373; // Compiler error E0373

    let handler = thread::spawn(move || {


Recalling our discussion on copy semantics, it probably makes sense why this worked. The value was copied into the scope of the spawned thread, making it independent from the original and solving the lifetime problem. The variable is now guaranteed to live for as long as the thread. This works fine for primitive types and types implementing the Copy trait. But what if copying is an expensive operation, or the object can't be copied? This leads to the next challenge that developers learning Rust often face: what happens if we need to spawn additional threads that also need access to the same variable?

For example, consider this case:

fn main() {
    use std::thread;

    let error = String::from("E0373"); // Compiler error E0373

    let handler1 = thread::spawn(move || {

    let handler2 = thread::spawn(move || {


While these strict rules may seem daunting, especially in larger programs, they are the foundation of Rust's fearless concurrency goals. These rules ensure that concurrency in your programs is both safe and efficient.

Now that we understand why the traditional fork/join model, which works in many other languages, is likely to fail in Rust, let's explore how to correctly implement this approach!


Lifetimes are another type of generic. However, instead of ensuring that a type has the desired behavior, they ensure that references remain valid for the desired duration.


move converts any variables captured by reference or mutable reference to variables captured by value.