
As we reach the end of this journey, I am pleased to present the final version of the rustle program, ready for production use. To compile a release version, be sure to use cargo build --release. I hope you have enjoyed this journey as much as I have enjoyed guiding you through it. Thank you very much for completing the course. Have fun on your Rust journey!

Fork/Join Solution

use clap::Parser;
use interval::{Interval, IntervalError};
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::exit;
use std::thread;

fn find_matching_lines(lines: &[String], regex: &Regex) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(i, line)| match regex.is_match(line) {
            true => Some(i),
            false => None,
        .collect() // turns anything iterable into a collection

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Interval<usize>>, IntervalError> {
        .map(|line| {
            let start = line.saturating_sub(before_context);
            let end = line.saturating_add(after_context);
            Interval::new(start, end)

fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>) -> Vec<Interval<usize>> {
    // merge overlapping intervals
        .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).map_err(|_| (p, c)))

fn print_results(
    intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>,
    lines: Vec<String>,
    line_number: bool,
) {
    for interval in intervals {
        for (line_no, line) in lines
            .take(interval.end + 1)
            if line_number {
                print!("{}: ", line_no + 1);
            println!("{}", line);

fn read_file(file: impl Read) -> Vec<String> {

#[command(version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Cli {
    /// Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its
    /// input file.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = false)]
    line_number: bool,

    /// Print num lines of trailing context before matching lines.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 0, value_name = "num")]
    before_context: u8,

    /// Print num lines of trailing context after matching lines.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 0, value_name = "num")]
    after_context: u8,

    /// The regular expression to match.
    #[arg(required = true)]
    pattern: String,

    /// List of files to search.
    #[arg(required = true)]
    files: Vec<PathBuf>,

// Result from a thread
struct RustleSuccess {
    intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>,
    lines: Vec<String>,

// Result from a failed thread
struct RustleFailure {
    error: String,

fn main() {
    let cli = Cli::parse();

    // get values from clap
    let pattern = cli.pattern;
    let line_number = cli.line_number;
    let before_context = cli.before_context as usize;
    let after_context = cli.after_context as usize;
    let files = cli.files;

    // compile the regular expression
    let regex = match Regex::new(&pattern) {
        Ok(re) => re, // bind re to regex
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("{e}"); // write to standard error

    thread::scope(|s| {
        let handles: Vec<_> = files
            .map(|file| {
                let filename = match file.to_str() {
                    Some(filename) => filename,
                    None => {
                        return Err(RustleFailure {
                            error: format!(
                                "Invalid filename: {}",

                // attempt to open the file
                File::open(filename).map_err(|e| RustleFailure {
                    error: format!("Error opening {filename}: {e}"),
            .map_ok(|file| {
                // only spawn a thread for accessible file
                s.spawn(|| {
                    let lines = read_file(file);

                    // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
                    let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, &regex);

                    // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after
                    // context
                    let intervals = match create_intervals(
                    ) {
                        Ok(intervals) => intervals,
                        Err(_) => return Err(RustleFailure {
                            error: String::from(
                                "An error occurred while creating intervals",

                    // merge overlapping intervals
                    let intervals = merge_intervals(intervals);
                    Ok(RustleSuccess { intervals, lines })

        // process all the results
        for handle in handles {
            let result = match handle {
                Ok(scoped_join_handle) => scoped_join_handle,
                Err(e) => {
                    eprintln!("{}", e.error);

            if let Ok(result) = result.join() {
                match result {
                    Ok(result) => print_results(
                    Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e.error),

pub mod interval {
    /// A list specifying general categories of Interval errors.
    pub enum IntervalError {
        /// Start is not less than or equal to end
        /// Two intervals to be merged do not overlap

    /// A closed-interval [`start`, `end`] type used for representing a range of
    /// values between `start` and `end` inclusively.
    /// # Examples
    /// You can create an `Interval` using `new`.
    /// ```rust
    /// let interval = Interval::new(1, 10).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(interval.start, 1);
    /// assert_eq!(interval.end, 10);
    /// ```
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Interval<T> {
        pub start: T,
        pub end: T,

    impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd> Interval<T> {
        /// Creates a new `Interval` set to `start` and `end`.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let interval = Interval::new(1, 10).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(interval.start, 1);
        /// assert_eq!(interval.end, 10);
        /// ```
        pub fn new(start: T, end: T) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
            if start <= end {
                Ok(Self { start, end })
            } else {

        /// Checks if two intervals overlap. Overlapping intervals have at least
        /// one point in common.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(3, 5).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), true);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 5).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(2, 4).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), true);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(4, 6).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), false);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        pub fn overlaps(&self, other: &Interval<T>) -> bool {
            self.end >= other.start

        /// Merges two intervals returning a new `Interval`.
        /// The merged `Interval` range includes the union of ranges from each
        /// `Interval`.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(3, 5).unwrap();
        /// let c = a.merge(&b).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(c.start, 1);
        /// assert_eq!(c.end, 5);
        /// ```
        pub fn merge(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
            if self.overlaps(other) {
                Ok(Self {
                    start: self.start,
                    end: other.end,
            } else {

    use std::fmt;
    impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Interval<T> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "[{}, {}]", self.start, self.end)

    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    impl<T: PartialEq + PartialOrd> PartialOrd for Interval<T> {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
            if self == other {
            } else if self.end < other.start {
            } else if self.start > other.end {
            } else {
                None // Intervals overlap

MPSC Solution

use clap::Parser;
use interval::{Interval, IntervalError};
use itertools::Itertools;
use regex::Regex;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::process::exit;
use std::thread;

fn find_matching_lines(lines: &[String], regex: &Regex) -> Vec<usize> {
        .filter_map(|(i, line)| match regex.is_match(line) {
            true => Some(i),
            false => None,
        .collect() // turns anything iterable into a collection

fn create_intervals(
    lines: Vec<usize>,
    before_context: usize,
    after_context: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<Interval<usize>>, IntervalError> {
        .map(|line| {
            let start = line.saturating_sub(before_context);
            let end = line.saturating_add(after_context);
            Interval::new(start, end)

fn merge_intervals(intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>) -> Vec<Interval<usize>> {
    // merge overlapping intervals
        .coalesce(|p, c| p.merge(&c).map_err(|_| (p, c)))

fn print_results(
    intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>,
    lines: Vec<String>,
    line_number: bool,
) {
    for interval in intervals {
        for (line_no, line) in lines
            .take(interval.end + 1)
            if line_number {
                print!("{}: ", line_no + 1);
            println!("{}", line);

fn read_file(file: impl Read) -> Vec<String> {

#[command(version, about, long_about = None)]
struct Cli {
    /// Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its
    /// input file.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = false)]
    line_number: bool,

    /// Print num lines of trailing context before matching lines.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 0, value_name = "num")]
    before_context: u8,

    /// Print num lines of trailing context after matching lines.
    #[arg(short, long, default_value_t = 0, value_name = "num")]
    after_context: u8,

    /// The regular expression to match.
    #[arg(required = true)]
    pattern: String,

    /// List of files to search.
    #[arg(required = true)]
    files: Vec<PathBuf>,

// Result from a thread
struct RustleSuccess {
    intervals: Vec<Interval<usize>>,
    lines: Vec<String>,

// Result from a failed thread
struct RustleFailure {
    error: String,

fn main() {
    let cli = Cli::parse();

    // get values from clap
    let pattern = cli.pattern;
    let line_number = cli.line_number;
    let before_context = cli.before_context as usize;
    let after_context = cli.after_context as usize;
    let files = cli.files;

    // compile the regular expression
    let regex = match Regex::new(&pattern) {
        Ok(re) => re, // bind re to regex
        Err(e) => {
            eprintln!("{e}"); // write to standard error

    // create the mpsc channel
    let (tx, rx) = channel::<Result<RustleSuccess, RustleFailure>>();

    // create a non-scoped thread for processing incoming messages
    let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
        // process all the results
        while let Ok(result) = rx.recv() {
            match result {
                Ok(result) => {
                    print_results(result.intervals, result.lines, line_number)
                Err(e) => eprintln!("{}", e.error),

    thread::scope(|s| {
        for file in &files {
            s.spawn(|| {
                // check if valid filename
                let filename = match file.to_str() {
                    Some(filename) => filename,
                    None => {
                        return tx.send(Err(RustleFailure {
                            error: format!(
                                "Invalid filename: {}",

                // attempt to open the file
                let handle = match File::open(filename) {
                    Ok(handle) => handle,
                    Err(e) => {
                        return tx.send(Err(RustleFailure {
                            error: format!("Error opening {filename}: {e}"),

                // process a file
                let lines = read_file(handle);

                // store the 0-based line number for any matched line
                let match_lines = find_matching_lines(&lines, &regex);

                // create intervals of the form [a,b] with the before/after context
                let intervals =
                    match create_intervals(
                    ) {
                        Ok(intervals) => intervals,
                        Err(_) => return tx.send(Err(RustleFailure {
                            error: String::from(
                                "An error occurred while creating intervals",

                // merge overlapping intervals
                let intervals = merge_intervals(intervals);
                tx.send(Ok(RustleSuccess { intervals, lines }))

    // drop the last sender to stop rx from waiting for messages

    // prevent main from returning until all results are processed
    let _ = handle.join();

pub mod interval {
    /// A list specifying general categories of Interval errors.
    pub enum IntervalError {
        /// Start is not less than or equal to end
        /// Two intervals to be merged do not overlap

    /// A closed-interval [`start`, `end`] type used for representing a range of
    /// values between `start` and `end` inclusively.
    /// # Examples
    /// You can create an `Interval` using `new`.
    /// ```rust
    /// let interval = Interval::new(1, 10).unwrap();
    /// assert_eq!(interval.start, 1);
    /// assert_eq!(interval.end, 10);
    /// ```
    #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
    pub struct Interval<T> {
        pub start: T,
        pub end: T,

    impl<T: Copy + PartialOrd> Interval<T> {
        /// Creates a new `Interval` set to `start` and `end`.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let interval = Interval::new(1, 10).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(interval.start, 1);
        /// assert_eq!(interval.end, 10);
        /// ```
        pub fn new(start: T, end: T) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
            if start <= end {
                Ok(Self { start, end })
            } else {

        /// Checks if two intervals overlap. Overlapping intervals have at least
        /// one point in common.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(3, 5).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), true);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 5).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(2, 4).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), true);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(4, 6).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(a.overlaps(&b), false);
        /// assert_eq!(b.overlaps(&a), true);
        /// ```
        pub fn overlaps(&self, other: &Interval<T>) -> bool {
            self.end >= other.start

        /// Merges two intervals returning a new `Interval`.
        /// The merged `Interval` range includes the union of ranges from each
        /// `Interval`.
        /// # Examples
        /// ```rust
        /// let a = Interval::new(1, 3).unwrap();
        /// let b = Interval::new(3, 5).unwrap();
        /// let c = a.merge(&b).unwrap();
        /// assert_eq!(c.start, 1);
        /// assert_eq!(c.end, 5);
        /// ```
        pub fn merge(&self, other: &Self) -> Result<Self, IntervalError> {
            if self.overlaps(other) {
                Ok(Self {
                    start: self.start,
                    end: other.end,
            } else {

    use std::fmt;
    impl<T: fmt::Display> fmt::Display for Interval<T> {
        fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            write!(f, "[{}, {}]", self.start, self.end)

    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    impl<T: PartialEq + PartialOrd> PartialOrd for Interval<T> {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
            if self == other {
            } else if self.end < other.start {
            } else if self.start > other.end {
            } else {
                None // Intervals overlap

You can find both versions of the rustle program we built together during this course here.